Melody of Love (2013–14) is a South Korean television drama series that aired on KBS2 from November 4, 2013, to May 2, 2014. This drama series followed the story of Han Ae Ri, an aspiring songwriter, who falls in love with a famous songwriter, Park Hyun Woo, while striving to become a music producer. The drama explores the themes of love, friendship, and the music industry. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive summary of Melody of Love (2013–14).
H1: Melody of Love (2013–14) – An Overview
Melody of Love (2013–14) is a romantic drama that tells the story of a young woman who aspires to be a music producer. Han Ae Ri (played by Kim Da-som) is a talented songwriter who dreams of making it in the music industry. However, she faces many challenges on her journey, including family opposition and financial difficulties.
While working at a record company, Han Ae Ri meets Park Hyun Woo (played by Baek Sung-hyun), a famous songwriter who happens to be her idol. As she gets to know him better, she realizes that he is not the perfect person she imagined him to be. Despite their differences, Han Ae Ri and Park Hyun Woo start to develop feelings for each other.
Throughout the series, Han Ae Ri faces many obstacles in her quest to become a successful music producer. She learns the importance of hard work, perseverance, and believing in herself. Along the way, she gains valuable friendships and mentorship that help her achieve her goals.
H2: The Cast of Melody of Love (2013–14)
The cast of Melody of Love (2013–14) is composed of talented actors who portrayed their roles with depth and nuance. The main cast includes:
– Kim Da-som as Han Ae Ri: a talented songwriter who dreams of becoming a music producer
– Baek Sung-hyun as Park Hyun Woo: a famous songwriter who becomes Han Ae Ri’s mentor and love interest
– Joo Sang-wook as Kang Rae-hyuk: a wealthy businessman who wants to take over the record company Han Ae Ri works for
– Hwang Sun-hee as Lee Da-kyung: Han Ae Ri’s best friend and fellow aspiring music producer
– Lee Chang-yeop as Kang Gi-taek: Kang Rae-hyuk’s loyal assistant
The supporting cast includes talented actors who play pivotal roles in the drama series.
H3: The Plot of Melody of Love (2013–14)
Melody of Love (2013–14) follows the story of Han Ae Ri, a young woman who dreams of becoming a music producer. Despite opposition from her family, who wants her to follow a more traditional career path, Han Ae Ri perseveres and lands a job at a record company.
There, she meets Park Hyun Woo, a famous songwriter who becomes her mentor and love interest. Although Han Ae Ri initially idolizes him, she soon realizes that he has flaws and struggles of his own. Despite this, they develop a close relationship that helps Han Ae Ri grow as a person and a producer.
Throughout the series, Han Ae Ri faces challenges in her professional and personal life. She must navigate cutthroat competition within the music industry, family opposition, and financial difficulties. Along the way, she gains valuable friendships and mentorship that help her achieve her dreams.
H2: The Themes of Melody of Love (2013–14)
Melody of Love (2013–14) explores a variety of themes, including:
– Love: The drama explores different kinds of love, including romantic love, friendship, and mentorship.
– Ambition: The main character, Han Ae Ri, is driven by ambition as she strives to become a music producer.
– Hard work: Han Ae Ri faces many challenges on her journey and learns the importance of hard work and perseverance.
– Family: Han Ae Ri’s family opposes her career path, highlighting the tension between following one’s dreams and fulfilling family expectations.
– Competition: The music industry is portrayed as cutthroat, with characters engaging in ruthless competition to advance their careers.
Melody of Love (2013–14) is a moving drama series that explores themes of love, friendship, and the pursuit of dreams. With its talented cast and well-crafted plot, this romantic drama is a must-watch for fans of Korean television.
1. Is Melody of Love (2013–14) available for streaming?
Melody of Love (2013–14) is available for streaming on various platforms, including KBS World TV, Viki, and Netflix.
2. How many episodes are there in Melody of Love (2013–14)?
Melody of Love (2013–14) consists of 151 episodes, each lasting approximately 35 minutes.
3. Is Melody of Love (2013–14) suitable for all ages?
Melody of Love (2013–14) is a family-friendly drama series with no graphic content. However, some themes may be more suitable for older viewers.
Caption: Kim Da-som stars as Han Ae Ri in Melody of Love (2013–14)
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