Rock, Rock, Rock is a 2010 South Korean miniseries produced by channel KBS2 about the life of Boohwal founder and rock musician Kim Tae-won, played by No Min-woo. The four episode musical drama follows Kim's life from middle school to 2003.
A docu-drama about the life of Kim Tae Won, lead guitarist of the legendary rock band Boohwal, or “Resurrection”, as well as the different people who played a part in its history, such as former lead vocalist Lee Seung Chul.
Rock, Rock, Rock is a 2010 South Korean miniseries produced by channel KBS2 about the life of Boohwal founder and rock musician Kim Tae-won, played by No Min-woo. The four episode musical drama follows Kim's life from middle school to 2003.
A docu-drama about the life of Kim Tae Won, lead guitarist of the legendary rock band Boohwal, or “Resurrection”, as well as the different people who played a part in its history, such as former lead vocalist Lee Seung Chul.
Bintang Film