Spring Love is a 2013 Taiwanese idol television drama series. The show was produced and filmed by GTV and it stars Mike He as the main male lead with Lin Ying Zhen from Taiwanese girl group PopU Lady as the main female lead. The show started filming on August 13, 2012 and will continue to film till February 1, 2013. The first episode was aired on January 27, 2013 on FTV.
After his mother's death, Long Tai returned to Taiwan in search for his long lost father and twin brother. When people mistook him for his brother, who had left the country, he perpetuated the mistake. The change did not go unnoticed by his brother's foe, Zhao Ren Hu, who had planned on defeating Long Tian He in a festival competition and taking over Long's hot spring. As per agreement, the defeated Zhao sent his sister to Long's house to work as an indenture servant for a year. Although he secretly ordered his sister to spy on Long, the sister had other things in mind.
Spring Love is a 2013 Taiwanese idol television drama series. The show was produced and filmed by GTV and it stars Mike He as the main male lead with Lin Ying Zhen from Taiwanese girl group PopU Lady as the main female lead. The show started filming on August 13, 2012 and will continue to film till February 1, 2013. The first episode was aired on January 27, 2013 on FTV.
After his mother's death, Long Tai returned to Taiwan in search for his long lost father and twin brother. When people mistook him for his brother, who had left the country, he perpetuated the mistake. The change did not go unnoticed by his brother's foe, Zhao Ren Hu, who had planned on defeating Long Tian He in a festival competition and taking over Long's hot spring. As per agreement, the defeated Zhao sent his sister to Long's house to work as an indenture servant for a year. Although he secretly ordered his sister to spy on Long, the sister had other things in mind.
Bintang Film