The story revolves around Monica Santiago (Angel Locsin). Due to the past she encountered with her mother Eloisa (Rio Locsin), her life is put through the test in a whole new environment with her father Javier (Christopher de Leon), and her two brothers Javi (Joem Bascon) and Jasper (Ahron Villena). Through a set of circumstances, she will meet and fall in love with Adrian (Jericho Rosales), the man who will teach her how to love again, and the man who can also break her heart.
The story revolves around Monica Santiago (Angel Locsin). Due to the past she encountered with her mother Eloisa (Rio Locsin), her life is put through the test in a whole new environment with her father Javier (Christopher de Leon), and her two brothers Javi (Joem Bascon) and Jasper (Ahron Villena). Through a set of circumstances, she will meet and fall in love with Adrian (Jericho Rosales), the man who will teach her how to love again, and the man who can also break her heart.