The Legendary Fok is a Hong Kong television series based on the life story of martial artist Huo Yuanjia. It includes a subplot based on the biography of Chen Zhen, a fictional student of Huo and protagonist of the 1972 film Fist of Fury. The series was first broadcast in 1981 on RTV in Hong Kong.
A remake of the series, Huo Yuanjia (a.k.a. The Legendary Fok 2008), was released in 2008. It was directed by Kuk Kwok-leung and starred Ekin Cheng, Jordan Chan, Zhou Muyin, Bryan Leung, Ding Li and Qu Yue.
The opening theme song of The Legendary Fok, performed by Johnny Yip, was reused as the opening theme song of Huo Yuanjia (2008) and Huo Yuanjia (2001). However, in Huo Yuanjia (2001), the song was sung in Mandarin instead of Cantonese and was not sung by Yip.
The Legendary Fok is a Hong Kong television series based on the life story of martial artist Huo Yuanjia. It includes a subplot based on the biography of Chen Zhen, a fictional student of Huo and protagonist of the 1972 film Fist of Fury. The series was first broadcast in 1981 on RTV in Hong Kong.
A remake of the series, Huo Yuanjia (a.k.a. The Legendary Fok 2008), was released in 2008. It was directed by Kuk Kwok-leung and starred Ekin Cheng, Jordan Chan, Zhou Muyin, Bryan Leung, Ding Li and Qu Yue.
The opening theme song of The Legendary Fok, performed by Johnny Yip, was reused as the opening theme song of Huo Yuanjia (2008) and Huo Yuanjia (2001). However, in Huo Yuanjia (2001), the song was sung in Mandarin instead of Cantonese and was not sung by Yip.
Bintang Film
TV Show
TV Show
TV Show
TV Show